måndag 27 februari 2012

Dump/screenshots from some classic software i've used/owned.

Classic AOL start menu from circa 1997-98.

+ prodigy internet was used around the same time.

 Compuserve. yeah!

Only used this briefly.  Never liked the Windows version either. Switched over to Cubase 1.6 for Windows!

First Real computer.  Atari 1040st fm.
Operating system: TOS
Monochrome Display.
Sequencer: C-lab Creator (Gerhard Lengeling/Logic Audio predecessor)

Still own it!
Bushido pc game- 1983.   First game, or was it Gato?

Wang Laboratories

fredag 10 februari 2012

ASUS Wlan router, model  WL-500gP (v1) from ~2008 with all leds for ethernet 1-4 on.
Reason: Faulty powersupply.

Replaced with another power supply, and it booted up just as normal. 5V/2.5A with postive tip (12.5w max) with original powersupply.

Unit also updated with OpenWrt, Backfire 10.03.
Asus firmware update utility is available from www.asus.com

Another one with a similary story is available here: http://hype-free.blogspot.com/2010/03/fixing-dead-asus-wl-500g.html

Powersupply: Original   UMEC  UP0181B-05PE     Replaced with 2.5A/5volt or 3A/5Volt.

söndag 5 februari 2012

Itron - CF II    (Ultrasonic Compact Heat Meter)
3 Loops/menues.  Long push = switch to next loop.cond register/loop, or 3rd.

Loop 1 - Billing data
Cooling energy*
LCD test
External water meter 1/2.*

Loop 2 - additional Information
Flow Rate
Supply temperature
Return temperature
operating time
Power peak date +time*
Flow Peak date +time*
Temperature peak date +time*
Instantaneous bonus*
cumulative bonus*
time in alarm
Temperature alarm
Flow alarm
Overflow alarm
Power supply alarm
Current time +date*
M-Bus primary address
M-Bus secondary address
M-Bus baud rate
Pulse value water meter 1/2**
* = optional

Loop 3 - Fixed Date Reading
Fixed date energy  1….13
fixed date cooling energy 1….13
Fixed date volume 1….13
Fixed date water meter 1/2 1….13*
Software version.


Svensk version:  
Fortums standardmätare för undercentraler/fjärrvärmecentraler i flerbostadshus 2009..framåt.
Mätaren registrerar och skickar vidare förbrukning och effekt/värden till Fortum.

Långt tryck på knappen växlar till 2:a loopen/registret.  steg för steg visas (se bild ovan)
1. Flöde (momentanvärde antal kubik/timme)
2. Effekt (momentaneffekt i kWh)
3. Framledningstemperatur (tillopp - fjärrvärme temperatur in från gatan)
4. Returledningstemperatur fjärrvärme
5. Delta T eller skillnad mellan framledning och returledning. Större delta t = bra (bonus vs straffavgift)
6. Toppeffekt och tidpunkt  (när/hur nollas värdena?)
7. Toppflöde /samt tidpunkt (när/hur nollas värdena?)
8. alarm / tid
strömavbrott, larm?
M-bus primär adress (om koppla till m-bus/övervakning nätverk)
M-bus sekundär adress (om kopplas vidare till m-bus protokollet för övervakning via nätverk etc)
M-bus baud rate (flödeshastighet för data)

lördag 4 februari 2012

Gmail 2-step verification.

Pro's: Increased security. 
Con's: Loads of set up routines per app. Can lock yourself out of account if not careful.

Only web-based apps on iOS supports the authenticator app. Other apps need application specific passwords.

Safety net:  10 backup codes/one login per code. SMS to phone. Better not use same phone as authenticator app ;)

Authenticator app starts without password/restriction and gives you ~30 seconds to use the one time password/number displayed.  Only works in web-browsers/html5 supported apps, making application specific password an must for most apps on the phone.

Authenticator app is possible to set up on two phones simultaneously, but needs access to both phones during installation. SMS service is sometimes slow, and not recommended for daily use.

Web browsers can be set to accept cookies, and grant permission per 30 day interval, with authenticator app, and 1st login password only.

Great feature, considering the increased risk of hijackings of gmail accounts lately. Suspicious activity or log in's from different IP's around the world shows up as warnings.

Electrolux washing machine, W365h/W365LE/W465LE

Check number of running hours. 
take notice: the counter maxes out at 9999 and then starts over. 5000hours could be 15000 hours, check manufacturing year and what is reasonable. Manufacturing date is printed on door when you open it.

The following commands can be pressed to check number of total running hours.
1. Start program,  i.e dry spin cycle 3 min
2. Press "runner" and first two numbers of total running hours is displayed  
3. Press "extra rinse" and the two last numbers of total running hours is displayed. 

Link to video showing how to check number of total running hours:

Video 1 showing 9851 hours of total operation (running hours) 

Video 2 showing 0739 = 10739 hours of operation (running hours)

Wascator name is deprecated, only the Electrolux name is used nowadays. 
Electrolux Laundry Systemes.

Numbers in model name equals drum volume (i.e w465 model = 65 litres) 

Previous line =3X5 series (green colour/ie w365LE). Current line as of 2010-2012 =  4x5 (blue colour/ie W465LE).
455H model = made in Thailand, all other models manufacured in Ljungby Sweden. 
LE models = Low Energy, and uses domestic hot/tap water and minimizes running time (heating) and costs.

Load Factor: 1:10 / 1:9
English version: 7kg of clothes
Swedish version: 6.5 kg of clothes.
Identical machines.

onsdag 1 februari 2012

App blogging. Testing 1-2-3

Just a test using a blog app for on the road documentation/updates.
BlogPress supports videos and pictures, and a number of platforms.
Multiple accounts at the same time
iOS only (=more apps to learn)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
